September/October 2024

September/October 2024
Belafonte encourages Tulsans’ creativity; college swag keeps students fashionable; NOUN Hotel in Norman adds a bit of cozy to Campus Corner; Tishomingo is a town worth exploring; and the Oklahoma Sports Heritage Museum gives travelers yet another historic reason to check out Guthrie.
Join the sororal order of the Theta burger; Tulsa chef Brandy Adkins goes with the Flo; every hour is happy at the Theopolis Social Club in Shawnee; Stillwater’s Devoted is a tiny but tasty; and breakfast is served at the BarDew Valley Inn in Bartlesville.
Get into the spooky season with the adventures of Okie paranormal researchers; does a horse-sized octopus stalk Oklahoma Lakes?; the 1972 Putnam City Pirates played a legendary season of baseball; and Ken Hada’s poem “Casting Into Sunrise” sets a tranquil scene.
Contributors, Point of View, Welcome, Feedback, Out There, Off The Map
Season’s Change
College football is one of the load-bearing walls of our state’s culture, and this year, everything changes as Oklahoma and Oklahoma State play for separate conferences. Join us as we greet the future of football in the footballin’-est state.
Orange Crush
Headed to Stillwater to see the Cowboys on the gridiron? Check out our guide to the city that calls itself America’s Friendliest College Town.
Code Red
You may have had a Norman game-day ritual, but our guide to the hometown of the Palace on the Prairie will help you make this fall’s football pilgrimages even more fun.
The OKT Guide to Tailgating
Get the party started before you step foot in the stadium with this compendium of pregame merrymaking.
Masterpiece Museums
The campuses in Stillwater and Norman may be football meccas, but each one houses an art museum with a collection not to be missed.
Campus on a Hill
One of Oklahoma’s four public universities--and its only historically black college—Langston is a school like no other.
On the Cover
College football is always the first topic of Oklahoma conversations this time of year, but that’s never more true than in 2024, when the University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma State University play for separate conferences—and not against each other. In “Season’s Change”, (Page 51) Ben Luschen explores the history and future of conference realignment, and our guides to Stillwater and Norman will help you make the most of your game day.